Hello friends! Welcome to my "sharing" page.... Here, I would like to share with you some fitness tips. It is very important for everybody to keep in FITNESS everyday. Well, I have a few steps to be fit and would like to let you know now......

6-step fitness makeover       

1 Unplug yourself                        2 Stand Taller                             3 Soak away your stress
Unless you're a world famous                                 Put your work bags aside and                               Fill the tub, turn on some soulful
      cardiologist on call or a bodyguard                        stand straight against a wall. Start                        tunes and light an aroma-    
      to the Prime Minister, turn off your                       with your feet flat on the floor, raise                     therapy candle. If you don't have
      cell phone, beeper, Palm Pilot and                          yourself on the toes slowly as you                          a tub, give yourself a long, warm
      all other gadgets until the very next                        breathe in to the count of seven.                            shower and lather with an
      day.                                                                            Repeat 10 times. This is an old                               aromatherapy-based body foam.
                                                                                         reflexology trick that helps straighten                    Dwell on aspects of your life that
                                                                                         your posture and calm your nerves                        are going really well. Feel good
                                                                                         after a long, hard day.                                             and soothed.
4 Chow down                               5 Take a breather                        6 Lie down

     You may have skipped lunch, but                          According to yoga experts, you can                        Lie back on the door, or in front
     don't stuff yourself at night as you'll                       beat stress by doing this three-minute                    of the TV. Raise one leg straight
     soon be hitting the sack. Instead, steep                  breathing exercise: Lie back, eyes                           up and stretch it as far back as
     a cup of caffeine-free herbal tea, or                        closed, and inhale slowly, and deeply,                    you can (aim for a 90degree angle
     have a glass of warm milk, and eat a                     through your nose. Feel the "breath"                     to the floor). Repeat this as often
     well-proportioned meal: small piece                       reach your collarbone.Exhale and                          as you can in 10 minutes. It's best
     of meat, vegetables an a few slices of                      repeat 10 times. Feel better? Thought                     to do it in bed before sleeping.
     fruit.                                                                          so.                                                                                The improve circulation will help
                                                                                                                                                                            you sink into sleep.



